Use the INQUIRY PAGE to contact us if you are interested in our keys-cut-to-code service. Or just email us with at least these details -Your Name, Your Country e.g. USA, Vehicle (make, model, year), Do you have existing keys? What replacements are you inquiring about? Will you attach photos of your keys to this email?

PORSCHE 928 1977-95
IN BRIEF: We offer both ORIGINAL and high quality SILCA brand European aftermarket replacement keys for Porsche 928, all years and variants.Our replacement key options begin at US$75 for one aftermarket main 928 key cut to original cutting specifications and the original Porsche key code provided to you. Original/OEM (Porsche/Huf) keys cost more, while ordering more than one key attracts a discount per key.
Please see the details on this page and contact us with any questions.
Open or CloseThe keys for Porsche 928 have a very unusual design and are a challenge for most key makers or locksmiths (and even Porsche dealers). We have many years of experience with them: to see feedback about us search online for "keys4classics" on any 928 owners' forum.
For us to provide you with new keys we want to see clear, sharp, high resolution digital photos of a working key-- see below for detailed instructions.
We "decode" your key to determine the precise cuts required, it's more reliable than from a database or a recorded code. Then we look up the cutting sequence in our database to get the original Porsche 928 "HP…" key code, which we'll provide to you for your vehicle records.
If you do not have any working keys, but you do have an original Porsche key code card (or very rarely the HP code stamped on the lock body) - yes we can cut a key to that code.
We cannot cut keys to your VIN (vehicle identification number or "chassis" number). The VIN is no use to us, but we do like to know the manufacture year of your 928.
Silca-brand keys are made of brass and original Porsche/Huf keys are hard steel. Both are plated in bright nickel. Original Huf keys will probably never show any signs of wear while Silca brass keys are gentler on your locks.
Many years of experience and the latest high-technology computer controlled equipment ensures that your new keys are cut with great precision to the original specifications. We are very confident that our keys will work well in your locks and we offer a substantial warranty. -
Silca-brand replacement keys
LONG (WITH-ALARM) key #061 and SHORT (NO-ALARM) key #060
These keys are European-made high quality and similar to the originals but do not have a Porsche name or logo; they have a durable solid black plastic head (no light) and are made by our favorite key brand, Silca of Italy.
Silca-brand key prices
*Note discounts for multiple keys*
1 key = US$75 and for each extra key cut to the same code add US$35, so 2 keys = US$110, 3 keys = US$145, 4 keys = US$180…
including quality Silca brand European key blanks, cutting (to the same code) with our guarantee (see "Keys Cut Warranty"). Plus shipping.
DECODING THAT'S INCLUDED: Our main key price assumes decoding one key that's original and in good condition. If you have the key code, such as on a Porsche key card or noted in the owner's manual, we will verify the code against the cuts on your key. There is no extra cost for cutting both long and short keys from the same (long) key code, that does not count as an extra decoding.
If more than one code is used in your key set we'll add $15 for each additional key decoding, where required.
Genuine original Porsche (Huf) keys
We offer both the with-alarm (long) and no-alarm (short) key-blades (stems). These are genuine Porsche parts made by the original maker, Huf-Germany.
#566 Original Huf key BLADE, long (for locks with alarm).
#567 Original Huf key BLADE, short (for locks without alarm).
(Important: the original Porsche clip-on head is not included)
#1091 Original Porsche clip-on head, with gold-colored Porsche crest and push-button LED light, Porsche part # 944-538-041-01 (94453804101) - we are are not supplying the head at this time, please obtain it from a dealer or reputable parts stockist.
#568 Original Porsche-Huf RED-head valet key, for EARLY YEARS only.
We will cut original Porsche keys ONLY if your original key and photos are good and clear enough to make decoding unequivocal. For a very worn key, a poorly copied key, a hand-made key, or poor photos we will discuss your options. -
Original Porsche (Huf) key prices
Open or CloseOur price includes not only the original Porsche keys, but also the extra workshop input; they're all hard steel-alloy keys that require special equipment, tools and handling.
Decoding and Huf key blades #566 (long) and #567 (short) cut to the same code:
1 = U$110 and for each extra key blade cut to the same code add US$70, so 2 = US$180, 3 = US$250, 4 = US$320…
DECODING THAT'S INCLUDED: Our main key price assumes decoding one key that's original and in good condition. If you have the key code, such as on a Porsche key card or noted in the owner's manual, we will verify the code against the cuts on your key.
If more than one code is used in your key set we'll add $15 for each additional key decoding, where required. There is no extra cost for cutting both long and short keys from the same (long) key code, that does not count as an extra decoding.
IMPORTANT: An original Porsche clip-on head is required to fit blades #566 and #567, this is the head with gold-colored Porsche crest and push-button LED light, Porsche part # 944-538-041-01 (94453804101). We are are not supplying the head at this time, please obtain it from a dealer or reputable parts stockist.
ORIGINAL PORSCHE (short, valet) RED-HEAD KEY #568 is Porsche's most expensive classic key, 1 red-head key cut to code, as a standalone order including decoding = US$155 plus shipping.
If you want to place an order of mixed keys (make, type, long and short, etc) contact us to do the arithmetic for you, we will ensure you are offered the best price. -
Short or long keys? More than one key code? Mixed key order?
Open or CloseSHORT = NO ALARM, LONG = ORIGINAL ALARM, see our photos for a comparison
Yes we can make short (no-alarm) keys from a long (alarm key), but not long from short (some cuts are missing). There is no additional cost for the long-to-short conversion.
Short or no-alarm keys derived from a long with-alarm key count as being of the 'same code'. However your 928 may use long and short keys with entirely different cuts and these must be decoded individually.
Our main key pricing assumes decoding one key. For keys with different cuts (if more than one code is used in your set) add up to $15 for each additional key code.
If you want to place an order of mixed keys (make, type, long and short, etc) contact us to do the arithmetic for you, we will ensure you are offered the best price. -
How to take photos of your key
Please send 2 photos - take one directly over the flat face of the key - then turn the key over for the other side.
Natural light is usually good, near a window with diffuse daylight. Avoid glare/reflection. A plain, neutral background is best.
We need to see the cutting along the edges sharp and clear. Point the tip of the key toward the window, the light should fall evenly along both lines of cuts. However if one side of the key is in shadow, hold a white card close to it, to reflect enough light to remove or reduce the shadow.
Use enough resolution (file size) for the cutting to be clear and sharp even when enlarged to fill a computer screen. GOOD SHARP FOCUS IS ESSENTIAL. We can receive large file sizes OK, such as raw photos from a smartphone or camera.
We do not need a ruler or any other items in the 928 key photos, just good light and sharp focus. If your camera does not grab sharp focus pull it away from the key until it does.
When emailing photos please check that your are sending "actual size" or "large" - not small or compressed. -
928 lock service (re-keying), and rear console keys
Our Master Locksmith (over 35 years experience!) will re-key 928 locks to eliminate the hassle of multiple keys when some locks have been replaced. Combined with our renowned key-decoding-from-photos and keys-cut-to-code we now offer a complete and guaranteed quality service.
Prices start from under US$200 for -
- your key decoded, either from photos or a key sent to us
- a Silca brand black-head key cut to code and the original Porsche key code provided
- the lock opened, inspected, and wafer-tumblers replaced, as required, for a new key
- the lock & key action checked, lube applied, lock closed up
- our usual warranty on all aspects of this work
At extra cost -
- additional keys
- any original Porsche OEM keys (key blades)
- return shipping, we prefer FedEx or similar for these valuable locks
- (possibly) any unforeseen issues with damage inside the lock
If you're interested use our Inquiry Form or just email us (the email link is at the bottom of the Inquiry form page).
Pricing: using our key #106 (all-metal)
Keys cut to code when you provide the number on the lock and/or a photo of an existing, working key:
1 key = US$17, 2 keys = US$29, 3 keys US$40
for our black-head style key #216 add US$3 per key to the above prices.
Note- if ordering only console keys the minimum order value is US$40, plus shipping.
There is no extra shipping cost if these keys are included in a main key order. -
Cut keys warranty
Open or CloseWe have very extensive experience with the unusual 928 key type and our keys are cut on the latest high-technology computerized key cutting equipment for precision and accuracy. We confidently guarantee our decoding, keys and cutting. We work hard to ensure that you can have the pleasure of using your 928 for many years to come.
Disclaimer: Our "full" warranty applies to replacement keys made by decoding original Porsche/Huf keys in good condition. A more limited warranty applies where you have supplied photos of a faulty, copied or hand-cut key or where there is apparent evidence (usually from your key) of damage or excessive wear to the lock/s. Where we have not seen a photo of a working key we guarantee to cut keys correctly to that code, but that is all. If locks have been replaced, modified or damaged this also is outside our scope and may affect your warranty.
Please note that 928 locks often require substantial lubrication when fitting new keys, and your ability to do this is a condition of purchase. We provide lubrication notes with your order. -
About Us
Open or Close
We provide the highest quality keys and key services for classic mid-to-late 20th century vehicles
Important note: We do not deal with modern keys that use electronics (transponder keys), which is most vehicles from about the late 1990s.
Also, we do not supply general automotive parts. We are simply experts with keys for older vehicles. is located in Canberra, the capital city of Australia.
Proudly working with classic car and motorcycle owners worldwide since 2001…!